484th BG824th BS825th BS826th BS827th BS

484th Bombardment Group (H)

April 1944 May 1944 June 1944 July 1944 August 1944 September 1944 October 1944 November 1944 December 1944 January 1945 February 1945 March 1945 April 1945

April 1945

Mission #188

1 April 1945

Target: Bruck, Austria

28 aircraft with 2 early return dropped 63.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The first target for the month was a target of opportunity.  A run was made on the primary target, the Bruck M/Y, but cloud covering made it necessary to abandon it.  A PFF run was made on the target at Villach.  During the bomb run the bombardier saw the M/Y through a break in the clouds.  A small correction was made and the bombs were seen to hit the south choke point.  63 tons of bombs were dropped.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450401

USA lineMission #189

2 April 1945

Target: St Polten, Austria

28 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 65.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

This target was attacked in order to temporarily block traffic headed for the Russian front.  The bombing was done visually by boxes, and the results were excellent.  The bomb pattern was good with all bombs landing on the target.  27 planes dropped 65 tons of bombs on this important communication target.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450402

USA line

Mission #190

5 April 1945

Target:  Brescia, Italy

28 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 68.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

Reports indicated that the cars at Brescia were filled with German war equipment and Italian mechanery being moved to Germany.  28 aircraft were dispatched to the target.  It was attacked visually and by boxes.  A good bomb pattern covered the target area.  It was necessary for the lead bombardier to make two runs on the target because of cloud cover.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450405

USA line

Mission #191

6 April 1945

Target: Brescia-Breda, Italy

28 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 65.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

A phase of the production of ammunition was done at this plant so it was picked as the target for the 484th Bomb Group.  All bombing was done visually by boxes in trail.  27 planes dropped 65 tons of bombs on the plant with good results.

Pilot Flimsy

USA line

Mission #192

7 April 1945

Target: Campo Di Trens, Italy

28 aircraft with 3 early return dropped 49.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

Communications targets in northern Italy and in Austria were under attack by the 15th Air Force on this date.  The 484th BG attacked the Klagenfurt M/Y.  The bomb run started on instruments, but in a short time the bombardier was able to pick up the target visually.  The results were believed to be very good.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450407

USA line

Mission #193

8 April 1945

Target: Bronzolo, Italy

28 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 66.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The 484th BG was briefed to attack the M/Y at Bronzolo, but weather made it necessary to attempt a run on Pardenone.  28 aircraft scored some hits, but the pattern was widely scattered.  66.5 tons of bombs were dropped.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450408

USA line

Mission #194

9 April 1945

Target: Area Apple, Italy

21 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 37.75 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 2 casualties.

On this date the 15th Air Force attacked one of its most important objectives.  The 484th BG dispatched 21 aircraft in two assault waves each.  One aircraft returned early and two casualties were reported.  It was a mission in direct support of the British Eighth Army.  An area in front of the troops was saturated with bombs enabling the Eighth Army to move up into the Po Valley.  For safety the friendly troops were well marked with signs placed on the ground.  100 pound bombs were used in this attack.  This mission was highly successful, and received commendation from the British Army.  78.75 tons of bombs were dropped.

Pilot Flimsy

USA line

Mission #194

9 April 1945

Target: Area Apple, Italy

21 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 41.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

USA line

Mission #195

10 April 1945

Target: Area Baker, Italy

21 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 37.75 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

This mission was the same as the one on the preceding day except for the change in the area to be bombed.  21 B-24s in two attack waves were dispatched by the 484th BG.  One returned early.  The Eighth Army had advanced, and so did the 15th Air Force.  On this mission frag bombs were used.  67.75 tons of bombs were dropped.

Operations Orders 450410

USA line

Mission #195

10 April 1945

Target: Area Baker, Italy

21 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 36.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

USA line

Mission #196

11 April 1945

Target: Bronzolo, Italy

28 aircraft with 6 early return dropped 54.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The 484th BG dispatched 28 aircraft to bomb the Bronzolo M/Y on this date.  The attack was designed to follow up the two previous missions in cooperation with the ground forces.  It was planned to further block and cut critical enemy escape routes.  Visual sighting was used since the weather over the target was clear.  On the first bomb run the lead bombardier had a malfunction, so a second was necessitated.  52 tons of bombs were dropped, and many hits were scored in the yard.  6 aircraft returned early.

Pilot Flimsy

Load List

Operations Orders 450411

USA line

Mission #197

12 April 1945

Target: St. Veit Railroad Bridge, Italy

27 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 65.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

27 aircraft were dispatched by the 484th BG to bomb one of the lesser important communication targets, but still was one more obstacle in the supply route of the enemy.  The bridge was well hit.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450412

USA line

Mission #198

14 April 1945

Target: Malcontenta, Italy

28 aircraft with 9 early return dropped 45.5 tons of bombs with 1 losses and 1 casualties.

Ammunition was a critical item for the enemy in north Italy so the Air Forces attacked the powder trains in this area.  Our group attacked the target in boxes in trail.  Three boxes bombed while one failed to recognize the target so its bombs were returned to base.  Fires and explosions were seen in the target area, and a good job of bombing was accomplished.  28 aircraft were dispatched with 9 returning early.  45.5 tons of bombs were dropped.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450414

USA line

Mission #199

15 April 1945

Target: Troop Concentrations, Italy

40 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 79.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

This was another important mission for the 15th Air Force.  The area before the Fifth Army was to be bombed by the greatest number of bombers that the Air Force could muster.  Again the area was well marked by artificial aides.  The area was well hit and the Fifth Army was able to move out the next day.  The raid represented the largest number of bomber aircraft the 15th Air Force had ever put up for one mission.  The 484th dispatched 40 aircraft, with 1 early return.  79.5 tons of bombs were dropped.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450415

USA line

Mission #199

15 April 1945

Target: Nervessa Bridge, Italy

19 aircraft with 4 early return dropped 33.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The blue force of the group bombed this target visually with three boxes.  This attack was made while another force went out to bomb troop concentrations at the front.  Results were varied.  Poor target coverage and bad weather contributed greatly to the trouble encountered on this mission.  Most of the bombs fell short and to the right of the briefed aiming point.  19 B-24s were sent oout in the blue force, with 4 returning early.  33.5 tons of bombs were dropped.

USA line

Mission #200

16 April 1945

Target: Troop Installations, Italy

20 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 41.25 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The 15th Air Force continued its offensive against the Germans occupying the area opposing the Fifth Army.  This time the weather proved a hazard, but it was possible to identify the target and to drop 40 tons on the area.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450416

USA line

Mission #200

16 April 1945

Target: Troop Installations, Italy

20 aircraft with 20 early return due to bad weather with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

USA line

Mission #201

17 April 1945

Target: Troop Installations, Italy

40 aircraft with 2 early return dropped 74.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

For the third time the 15th Air Force went to the Italian front.  Again results were good, enabling our ground forces to move forward.  40 aircraft were dispatched with 2 early returns.  74.5 tons of bombs were dropped.

Operations Orders 450417

USA line

Mission #202

19 April 1945

Target: Avisio Viaduct, Italy

25 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 55.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The group went over the primary target, the Avisio RR Visduct, but smoke from the preceding groups made it impossible for the bombardier to pick up the aiming point.  The alternate was picked up, but due to a freak accident the bombs fell short and to the left.  A burst of flak between the lead ship and the deputy lead the vertical gyros to tumble on both ships.  The 484th BG sent out 25 B-24s dropping 55.5 tons of bombs.  There were no early returns.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450419

USA line

Mission #202

19 April 1945

Target: Vipiteno Bridge, Italy

12 aircraft with 3 early return dropped 25.5 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

USA line

Mission #203

20 April 1945

Target: Lusia RR Bridge, Italy

40 aircraft with 2 early return dropped 92.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The 484th BG hit the primary employing a formation of six boxes in trail.  All boxes used the auto-pilot and sighted visually.  The target was easily picked up and all hit with compact patterns.  The center span of the bridge was knocked out.  This was a highly successful mission.  40 aircraft were sent out, 2 returned early.  92 tons of bombs were dropped.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450420

USA line

Mission #204

21 April 1945

Target: Attnang Pucheim, Austria

36 aircraft with 2 early return dropped 82.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The group bombed the second alternate on this date with good results.  The weight of the highly concentrated attack fell on the center of the yard.  All stock within a belt of 600 feet wide, stretching across the yard was totally destroyed.  A little difficulty was experienced with cloud cover.  79 tons of bombs were dropped.  36 bombers were sent out, with 2 early returns.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450421

USA line

Mission #205

23 April 1945

Target: Badia Bridge, Italy

18 aircraft with 2 early return dropped 43.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

Because of the rapid advance of the Allies in Italy, the Germans were in a state of disorganization.  The 15th Air Force was endeavering to disrupt supply lines in order to further that disorganization.  The approaches to the bridge destroyed, and one box destroyed a span.  81 tons of bombs were dropped.  36 aircraft were dispatched with 4 early returns.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450423

USA line

Mission #205

23 April 1945

Target: Badia Bridge, Italy

18 aircraft with 0 early return dropped 38.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

Pilot Flimsy

USA line

Mission #206

24 April 1945

Target: Rovereto, Italy

38 aircraft with 7 early return dropped 66.0 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The Roverto M/Y is located on the main Brenner Pass route.  28 planes were sent to the target.  The target wassmoke covered but hits were believed to have fallen into the target after first falling short.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450424

USA line

Mission #207

25 April 1945

Target: Linz, Austria

28 aircraft with 4 early return dropped 51.75 tons of bombs with 2 losses and 24 casualties.

With the Russians in Vienna, Linz became the hinge of the German defense in this area.  28 planes were dispatched to the target.  On the bomb run heavy and accurate flak was experienced.  The lead ship was hit as was the deputy, and as a result bombs were dropped short.  Two aircraft were lost over the target.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450425

USA line

Mission #208

26 April 1945

Target: Spital, Austria

27 aircraft with 1 early return dropped 27.75 tons of bombs with 0 losses and 0 casualties.

The 484th Bomb Group was briefed to hit ammunition stores in northern Italy, but due to bad weather the primary target was abandoned.  Two boxes bombed Spital M/Y, and two boxes returned to base.  13 aircraft bombed and most of their bombs biurst in the target area.  This was the last mission for April, and the last mission flown by the group.

Pilot Flimsy

Operations Orders 450426